Barnyard Millet is also called as Kuthiravali in Tamil, Odalu in Telugu, Oodhalu in Kannada, Kavadapullu in Malayalam and Sanwa in Hindi. Fibre Rich and gluten free Barnyard Millet Rice is cultivated in a natural way without using chemicals.
Fibre rich and gluten free Brown Top Millet (Andu Korralu / Korle) is cultivated in natural way without using chemicals in Nirvapate owned farms and is marketed by Nirvapate Agro Pvt Ltd.. This is also called as Makra & Murat in Hindi.
1 KG Fibre rich and gluten free Whole Finger Millet Rice-Ragi from Nirvapate Agro Pvt Ltd, brand 'Biokart'. India's finger millet is commonly called by various names like ragi (in Kannada, Telugu, and Hindi), also Mandua/Mangal in Hindi, Kodra (Himachal Pradesh), Mandia (Oriya), Taidalu (in Telangana region), Kezhvaragu in Tamil, etc. Ragi or finger millet is one of the most nutritious and healthy cereals.
Fibre rich and gluten free Foxtail Millet is cultivated in natural way in Nirvapate owned farms and marketed by Nirvapate Agro Pvt Ltd. Foxtail Millet is also called as Phoksatel Baajara, Thinai, Kirra, Thinna, Navane and Kangni.
India's Jowar (Sorghum) millet is cultivated in own fram land of Nirvapate using the organic cultivation practices. This is found to have many health benefits due to the presence of protein, calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorous and potassium.
Fibre rich and gluten free kodo millet is also called as Haraka, Kodon, Arikelu, Varagu, Arka, Haarka and Kodhra is cultivated in natural way without using chemicals in Nirvapate owned farms and is marketed by Nirvapate Agro Pvt Ltd..
Fibre rich and gluten free little millet rice(Samalu / Saami / Samai / Kutki / Chama) is cultivated in natural way without using chemicals in Nirvapate owned farms and is marketed by Nirvapate Agro Pvt Ltd. This is also called as Thoda Baajara in Hindi.
India's Bajra or Pearl millet is found to have many health benefits due to the presence of Protein, Fiber, Minerals, Iron and Calcium. Pearl Millet keeps you healthy.